What is High-Frequency Hearing Loss

High frequency hearing loss is a type of sensorineural hearing loss that affects the ability to hear higher-pitched sounds, and may require the use of hearing aids in Sri Lanka. This can include sounds like birds chirping, children's voices, or the consonants in speech such as "s," "h," and "f."


It is often related to damage or deterioration of the hair cells in the inner ear (cochlea), which are responsible for translating sound waves into nerve signals that the brain can interpret.



  • Difficulty understanding speech: Especially in noisy environments or when multiple people are speaking at once.

  • Trouble hearing high-pitched sounds: Such as birdsong, doorbells, or alarms.

  • Tinnitus: A ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in the ears.

  • Need for increased volume: Frequently turning up the volume on the television, radio, or phone.

  • Perception that people are mumbling: Often feeling that others are not speaking clearly.



  • Ageing (presbycusis): Natural degeneration of hearing ability over time.

  • Noise exposure: Prolonged exposure to loud noises, such as from concerts, machinery, or headphones.

  • Genetics: Inherited predisposition to hearing loss.

  • Ototoxic medications: Certain drugs that can damage the inner ear.

  • Illnesses and infections: Conditions like Meniere's disease, diabetes, or repeated ear infections.



  • Hearing aids: These devices amplify sound and can be programmed to enhance high-frequency sounds. You can purchase analogue or digital hearing aids online in Sri Lanka to treat this problem.

  • Assistive listening devices: Such as amplified telephones or personal listening systems. Assistive listening devices and hearing aid price in Sri Lanka can vary depending on brand, features and vendor.

  • Cochlear implants: For severe cases where hearing aids are not effective, a cochlear implant may be considered.

  • Sound therapy: Using specific sounds or music to manage tinnitus and improve hearing.

  • Protecting hearing: Avoiding exposure to loud noises and using ear protection when necessary.

  • Communication strategies: Training and techniques to improve understanding, such as lip reading or using visual cues.


Early detection and intervention are important for managing high frequency hearing loss effectively. Regular hearing check-ups and prompt action when symptoms are noticed can help maintain a better quality of life.

For those who have been prescribed hearing aids and other devices, it is important that you learn how to properly maintain your device in order to protect its durability and use it for a long time. You can order accessories and hearing aid batteries online in Sri Lanka through several vendors. However, make sure to check their reputability prior to ordering.

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